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The Fall Play is Oct 24 and 25th!  Students will perform in both shows.

The club is free to join.

Everyone who auditions for acting will receive a role!
Students and parents/guardians - register for the next play by clicking on one of these buttons: 

Actors: Meeting Weds 2:30-4:30
Creative Teams: 
Sound Team, Costumes, Marketing, Sets/Props)
-Meeting Tuesdays from 4-5p in the Art room

-Stage Crew - you must first be a part of the Creative teams. 
The Creative Teams are done before show week and the stage crew and actors meet every day the week before  the show
. (Oct 21-25 from after school to 5)
All must register but only Actors need to audition (link in registration).  

Thanks for submitting!

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